Russian businessmen may bow and scrape when Vladimir Putin tells them to invest in Crimea, but they are pragmatic and know that doing so is a risky enterprise given that the entire world considers the Russian occupation “illegal.” To put money into the peninsula now is to risk losing it.
According to Liyev, the situation in Crimea’s tourist industry obtains “in the banking sphere, in trade, in logistics, in industry and in agriculture,” as well.” And thus it is no surprise that Moscow’s promises are not being met and that Dmitry Medvedev’s acknowledgement that “there is no money” is the only honest thing one has heard from the Russian capital recently.
The former minister says that the trends this year are no better and that there is no reason to expect any dramatic changes in the following years as well. And that is true not only for Crimeans but also “for all who shouted ‘Crimea is Ours’” since “the cost of [Moscow’s] shameful and stupid actions will now have to be paid by all of Russia, from Kamchatka to Kaliningrad.”