On Tuesday, June 11, the Russian State Duma passed a draft law in the second and third reading banning propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations among minors, Parliament TV reports. The law was passed in the third reading by 436 votes in favor. Compared to the original version of the draft law, the term “homosexualism” was […]
New Law Will Restrict Public Religious Displays
The Russian government has approved and submitted a draft law to the State Duma under which the conducting of religious rituals, ceremonies, prayers and religious meetings in public spaces will require the permission of local authorities. Dmitry Medvedev proposed equating such activities with rallies and processions, although rituals can be conducted inside churches, mosques and […]
Amirov’s Lawyers Prepare Torture Complaint for ECHR
The arrest of Makhachkala’s ex-mayor Said Amirov has led to some unexpected consequences. Attorneys for the former mayor, who has been accused under several articles of the Criminal Code, are preparing to appeal to the European Court on Human Rights (ECHR) in which they are complaining about the actions of Russian siloviki [power ministry agents-Ed]. […]
Decree on Confiscation of Guriyev’s Correspondence and Search of Russian Economics School
[The expatriation of Sergei Guriyev, a highly regarded Russian economist, was a major story both in the Russian and in international presses last month. By his own admission, Guriyev left Russia because he feared imprisonment after continued harassment by Russia’s Investigative Committee, which searched his office and seized thousands of emails related to investigation into […]
Interior and Justice Ministers Meet with Officials in Magnitsky List
[Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev and Justice Minister Aleksandr Konovalov met on April 27 with their employees who have been included in the so-called Magnitsky List. The list includes 18 judges and representatives of law-enforcement and other government agencies whom American authorities believe are complicit in the death in pre-trial detention at Matrosskaya Tishina Prison of […]
Five Charged with the Murder of Anna Politkovskaya Referred to Court
The Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee has completed the investigation of the criminal case involving the five individuals suspected of the murder of Anna Politkovskaya, a well-known journalist. The five suspected individuals – Lom-Ali Gaitukayev, his nephews, the three Makhmudov brothers, Rustam, Ibragim and Jabrail, as well as a former Organized Crime Unit […]
Homosexuality in Contemporary Russia
[The recent brutal murder of Vladislav Tornovoy, a 23 year-old gay man, in the Moscow suburbs has once again brought the subject of homophobia in Russia to the fore. Below is a blog post by Pavel Svyatenkov examining cultural definitions of homosexuality, and how Soviet-era propaganda has been carried into the post-Soviet era. — Ed.] The […]
Video Shows Children Beaten at Amur Boarding School
The editors of the Amur.info news agency have received a report from concerned Amur resident Gennady Uvarov, who sent links to a video in which children were being brutally beaten. He indicated that this was taking place at an orphanage in the village of Pionersky in the Mazanov district. According to Uvarov, he received the […]
An Emergency Situation was Prevented
The Daily Journal is publishing a sensational document that without any doubt will shed light on the events on Bolotnaya Square last May. We have managed to obtain a document entitled “Report on Maintaining Public Order and Security in the City of Moscow on May 6, 2012”, signed by Colonel Deynichenko, the Deputy Chief of […]
They Will Lock Up Many More
What is really striking is all the fuss that’s been made over the trial, which starts on April 17 in Kirov, in which I’m one of the defendants accused of putting together a criminal organization that conspired to steal lumber and sawdust from the company Kirovles, and actually stole that stuff worth about 16 million […]