
Sochi Authorities to Spend $1.4 Million on Olympic Symbols

November 6, 2013

The 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics cost approximately $1.8 billion to put on, and generated over $2.5 billion in gross domestic product. The installation and removal of the signs and symbols at the 2014 Sochi Winter Olmypics will cost up to $1.4 million. The Sochi Olmypics may be the most corrupt sporting events ever held, as […]

Russia Calls for an Olympic Ceasefire

October 4, 2013

In September Russia supported a UN initiative “promoting human rights through sport and the Olympic ideal.” The measure granted no new rights, but was simply pledging to initiative a “review” of current policies. Below, Russia’s ambassador to the United Nations praises the efforts, but the initiative was received with skepticism immediately upon its release. Human […]

Kings of the Olympic Contracts

May 3, 2013

An astronomical 1.136 trillion rubles ($36.4 billion) has already been spent on the 2014 Olympics in Sochi. In the 305 days remaining until the opening of the Games, another plus or minus 390 billion rubles will be spent.  Mainly companies close to Vladimir Putin are appropriating these billions, claims Boris Nemtsov, one of the opposition […]