“I don’t think there’s any correlation between bicycle lanes and political activity. If you think falsifying elections is bad, no amount of bicycles are going to help you.”
Col. Igor Strelkov
“They [volunteers from Russia] went to defend the Russian World, and were forced to defend regimes installed clearly with the help of the Kremlin, it is useless to deny that. And it is stupid to deny that, and pretend you’re simply a fool or an idiot, if you think that they were formed themselves.”
Ollie Carroll
“Some Donetsk war kids have been living in bomb shelters for 1 year. Serious fighting returned to their streets Wednesday.”
President Petro Poroshenko, on Gay Pride March in Kiev
Aleksandr Zakharchenko
“If we wanted to attack the cities of Marinka and Krasnogorovka, and further out to Karlovka and surround the [Ukrainian] group in Avdeyevka, believe me, it would happen within a day.” June 5, 2015
Amb. Samantha Power
“We must not let ourselves be deceived. The consequences of Russia’s contempt for Minsk and the rules undergirding our international peace and security are too great – both for the integrity of the international system, and for the rights and welfare of the Ukrainian people. We cannot fail to see and fail to act.