Russia-Backed Forces Make 38 Attacks; One Ukrainian Soldier Dies of Wounds

July 10, 2017
Situation on the front line July 10, 2017. Map by ATO

Ukraine Day 1239: LIVE UPDATES BELOW. Russia-backed forces made 38 attacks in the previous reporting period; one Ukrainian soldier died of his wounds.

Yesterday’s coverage of the Ukraine conflict can be found here.

An Invasion By Any Other Name: The Kremlin’s Dirty War in Ukraine


Russia-Backed Forces Make 38 Attacks; One Ukrainian Soldier Dies of Wounds

Russian-manufactured rations found at the front line. Photo by ATO 

Russia-backed forces continued to violate the ceasefire, the ATO [Anti-Terrorist Operation] said today, June 10, Ukrainska Pravda reported, citing the ATO press center.

There were no casualties reported today but one soldier who was wounded yesterday, June 9, died of his wounds today, Col. Andriy Lisenko, spokesman for the Defense Ministry on ATO issues, said at a briefing.
During the day, fighting was lighter than the previous week, although Ukrainian positions at Troitskoye on the Lugansk line were attacked with 122-mm mortars and heavy machine guns.
On the Donetsk line no attacks were recorded, but on the Mariupol line there were some violations of the ceasefire.
In the morning dispatch earlier, the ATO reported 38 attacks by Russia-backed forces in the previous reporting period.
Most of the attacks were on the Maritime line, with 82-mm mortar-launchers fired at Ukrainian positions near Beryozovaya, Novotroitskoye, Krasnogorovka and Novomikhailovka. Also militants fired grenade-launchers, heavy machie guns, small arms and in some areas armed BMPs nea Shirokino, Vodyanoye, Pavlopol, Gnutovo and Maryinka.
On the Donetsk line, Avdeyevka was attacked with 82-mm and 120-mm mortars; near Verkhnyetoretskoye, Ukrainian fores were attacked with anti-tank grenades.

On the Lugansk line, there were 120-mm mortar launchers fired near Krymskoye and Novotoshkovskoye; small arms were fired near Zholtoye; Krymskoye was attacked with grenade-launchers and heavy machine guns and near Malinovoye, grenade-launchers were used. There was firing on Donetsk and Zolotoye and near Novoaleksandrovka, a BMP was used in attacks. In the evening, 82-mm mortars, grenades and heavy machine guns were fired near Novozvanovka.

In other news:

— Catherine A. Fitzpatrick

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