A Quiet Day In Ukraine? Fewer Ceasefire Violations, No Casualties Reported Thursday

August 3, 2017

Ukraine Day 1263: LIVE UPDATES BELOW.

Yesterday’s coverage of the Ukraine conflict can be found here.

An Invasion By Any Other Name: The Kremlin’s Dirty War in Ukraine


A Quiet Day In Eastern Ukraine?

At the Ukrainian military’s briefing on Thursday, August 3, the spokesperson for the Anti-Terrorism Operation (ATO) Andrei Lysenko reported that no Ukrainian servicemen had been killed or injured over the previous 24 hours — a rare occurrence. 

Overall there were 30 ceasefire violations reported over that period: 10 in the Lugansk sector, 11 in the Donetsk sector and 9 in the Mariupol sector. 

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Ministry of Defense: Ukrainian troops incur no losses | UACRISIS.ORG

In Luhansk sector, Ukrainian troops recorded 10 militants' attacks, four of which involved heavy weapons. The operative situation along the contact line escalated in the afternoon. The tensest situation was observed in Troitske. Russia-backed militants mortared the spot twice firing a total of 30 rounds.

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Aug 05, 2017 05:38 (GMT)

Recent fighting has been hard to predict in recent weeks, though fighting overall has been escalated since November.

James Miller