2 Ukrainian Soldiers Killed, 6 Wounded in Battle

December 20, 2017
Photo by ATO

Ukraine Day 1401: LIVE UPDATES BELOW. Two Ukrainian soldiers were killed, 5 wounded and 1 concussed.

Yesterday’s coverage of the Ukraine conflict can be found here.

An Invasion By Any Other Name: The Kremlin’s Dirty War in Ukraine


2 Ukrainian Soldiers Killed, 6 Wounded in Battle

Photo: Stepan Poltorak 

Two Ukrainian soldiers were killed, five wounded and one concussed in battle in the previous reporting period, Liga.net reported.

Russia-backed militants made 32 attacks. The outskirts of Travenevoye were attacked with 120-mm mortars. There were attacks on Novotroitskoye, Lebedinskoy and the Butovka mine with 82-mm mortars and grenade-launchers. A BMP and machine guns were used near Gnutovoye.
Grads were fired December 19 near Zaytsevo.
Russia withdraw its members from the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination.

In an interview with 112 Ukraina, Stepan Poltorak, Ukrainian defense minister, said Russia did this to more intensively accuse the Ukrainian Army of violating the ceasefire. He said the situation on the front had worsened since the departure of the Russian representatives in the JCCC, with Grads and 152-mm artillery used in attacks. 
Russia accused Ukraine of “creating difficulties” for its work. 

Ukraine introduced a new procedure for entry of Russian citizens to Ukraine, which requires presentation of passports in advance.

Catherine A. Fitzpatrick