Tag: anti-semitism in Russia

Jewish Scholar Fleeing ‘Nazi-Like Atmosphere’ of Putin’s Russia

July 27, 2015

Staunton, July 26 – Ilya Frank, a Jewish linguist whose approach has defined how Russians study foreign languages for more than a decade, has decided he and his family must leave Moscow for Israel because of what he describes as “a Nazi-like atmosphere” there, one he quickly identified because of his familiarity with German writings […]

For Russians, the 20th Century with Its Historical Shortcomings Hasn’t Ended, Kobrin Says

June 7, 2015

Staunton, June 3 – Centuries do not always correspond to the period between years ending in 00. Most historians argue that the nineteenth century, for example, lasted from 1815 with the defeat of Napoleon until 1914 when World War I broke out. And now a Moscow historian is arguing that “in Russia, the 20th century […]