Tag: Baltic States

Russians Accuse Lithuania of Welcoming ‘Islamist Extremists’

April 23, 2014

Staunton, April 23 – Several Russian nationalist portals have segments with the title “the new is the well-forgotten old.” That is certainly proving to be true with some of the ideological tropes that Russian commentators are trying out now. Much of what they say appears to be little more than an updated version of an […]

Assimilation of Russians by Other Nations ‘Not a Myth,’ Nationalist Says

April 14, 2014

Staunton, April 13 – For the last several years, many Russian commentators have talked about Russians who have converted to Islam and thereby become even more anti-Russian than ordinary Muslims. Now, a Russian nationalist is focusing on the reality that at least some ethnic Russians are assimilating to other nations and following the same path. […]

A New Non-Recognition Policy is Needed Now for Crimea

April 8, 2014

Staunton, April 8 – The United States and the West must put in place an updated version of the non-recognition policy they applied to the Soviet occupation of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to underscore our outrage at the use of Russian brute force in Ukraine to annex part or all of a neighboring state and […]

Putin Draws His Own ‘Red Lines’ across Post-Soviet Space

March 27, 2014

Staunton, March 27 – The Western powers have long talked about “red lines” in Syria and elsewhere: actions or events that they say have suggested underscore their concern and indicate where they will act. Now, Russian President Vladimir Putin has done the same, and his “red lines” underscore that his moves in Ukraine are part […]

Moscow Will Begin Military Operations in Ukraine by Mid-May or Not at All, Felgengauer Says

March 25, 2014

Staunton, March 25 – Many people are asking themselves what will be Moscow’s next steps in Ukraine, but military analysts are focusing in particular on the question of timing Pavel Felgengauer, a leading independent Moscow expert on military issues, says that Russia will begin military operations in Ukraine by the middle of May or won’t […]