Tag: Emomali Rahmon

Over 19,000 Tajiks Have De-Russianized Their Names This Year

July 29, 2014

Staunton, July 28 – More than 19,000 residents of Tajikistan have de-Russianized their names so far this year, dropping the “–ov” or “–ev” endings that had been de rigueur in Soviet times, according to Rustom Shohmurod, the Central Asian country’s minister of justice. The current effort to restore Tajik spellings began following the publication of […]

Why Russia is Worried About “Zero Option” in Afghanistan

August 9, 2013

With America’s decade long entanglement in Afghanistan coming to a close, the debate over the size and scale of any remaining American involvement in the country has come to the forefront of Washington’s policy making circuit. From the Department of Defense and the State Department, to USAID and the White House, discussions are being held […]