Tag: Far-right

From Exile to Dirtbag: Edgelord Geopolitics and the Rise of “National Bolshevism” in the US

January 21, 2019

“Much of the Western media and many experts have rightly emphasized the brutality of the Alt Right, drawing its lineage to sectors of the U.S. far-right. However, there is far less understanding of the influential role played by National Bolshevism and the destructiveness it has ported into the left under the guise of prurient satire and hysterical chauvinism.

With horror, I watched this process unfold over the next decade, as so-called National Bolsheviks crossed over into American countercultures, drawing together left and right-wing tendencies that have influenced the US’s political spectrum contributing to the alt-right. The eXile’s alums played a critical role in cultivating these connections, joining with and influencing the inchoate alt-right in defense of Putin’s aggression and in opposition to Western liberalism.” Alexander Reid Ross

Azov Launch New Political Party; Heavy Shelling In South; Far-Right Italians Visit Crimea

October 14, 2016

The new Azov National Corps opposes EU membership and calls instead for a new union between the Black and Baltic seas.

Black Ledger Reveals Party Of Regions Made Payments To Larry King & Far-Right Svoboda Party

August 19, 2016

Hundreds of thousands of dollars were paid out in secret by Yanukovych’s party.

Azov March In Kiev In Opposition To Donbass Elections, But Votes Are Likely Far Off

May 20, 2016

Supporters of the Azov civilian corps and National Guard Regiment, whose leadership originates in the far-right of Ukrainian politics, have been marching in Kiev this morning in protest against the holding of local elections in occupied areas of the Donbass.

Groysman Proposes Candidates For New Cabinet, But Negotiations Continue

April 12, 2016

Rada Speaker Volodymyr Groysman has proposed a list of candidates for Ukraine’s Cabinet of Ministers as negotiations to make Groysman the new prime minister continue.

Ukraine Association Agreement Rejected In Dutch Referendum

April 7, 2016

A non-binding referendum in the Netherlands has rejected the ratification of the EU Association Agreement with Ukraine, following a campaign backed by Eurosceptic parties across the wider EU.