Tag: FSB

Sergei Ignatiev Submits His Last Report as Central Bank Chairman

May 3, 2013

Today the personnel of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), Federal Security Service (FSB), Federal Protective Service (FSO), and the Central Bank submitted their income statements. None of the officials declared any property registered abroad, and in terms of income the leader is the CB Chairman Sergei Ignatiev, who is stepping down this June. The SVR […]

Bring the Car, Kirillov!

May 1, 2013

The little person in this case is Yan Kirillov, aged 3 years and 4 months. A  year and a half ago, he stopped talking. Doctors confirm that reason for  this pathology is the psychological trauma received as a result of his father’s arrest. On Monday in Khoroshevsky District Court in Moscow, the criminal case of […]

Caucasus Causality

April 24, 2013

So far, and in spite of the American media’s best effort to acquaint its audience with a country called Chechnya (and the Czech embassy’s best efforts to remind that audience of the excellence of Bohemian pilsner), there is little evidence linking the Boston marathon bombings to any jihadist organization or cell headquartered in the North Caucasus. CNN cited an […]