Tag: Irina Borogan

Unlike For Stalin, ‘No One Will Die For Putin,’ Sytin Says

January 26, 2015

Staunton, January 25 – Aleksandr Sytin, an historian who quit the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies because of its imperialist and anti-Western views, says that despite widespread support for Vladimir Putin, no one in Russia “will die” for the Kremlin leader. According to Sytin, those who are prepared to die now in Ukraine are a […]

Pursuing PR Victories, FSB Part of Russian Intelligence Failure in Ukraine, Soldatov and Borogan Say

January 8, 2015

Staunton, January 6 – Despite its much ballyhooed success in preventing any attack on the Sochi Olympics, the FSB has not had a good year in Ukraine, where its military competitor the GRU played the dominant role in the annexation of Crime and where its inability to predict developments in Ukraine constituted an intelligence failure […]

Kremlin Denies Access to Soviet-Era Security Archives Another 30 Years

September 23, 2014

Staunton, September 19 – Moscow officials have confirmed that they will not declassify documents concerning the Soviet security services for another 30 years, a decision that was anticipated by a resolution of the Inter-Agency Commission on the Defense of State Secrets and one that means that it will remain impossible to research many key events […]