Tag: John Dunlop

Is Putin About to Use Sinai Plane Disaster as He Did Apartment Bombings in 1999?

November 4, 2015

Staunton, November 3 – Andrey Illarionov says that recent statements by Vladimir Putin suggest that the Kremlin leader may be about to exploit the crash of the Russian plane in Sinai in much the same way that he did the apartment bombings in 1999, to unify Russian society behind even harsher measures against “terrorists.” The […]

15 Years On, Suspicions About Putin’s Involvement in Apartment Bombings Linger in Russia

September 8, 2014

Staunton, September 6 – This month marks the 15th anniversary of the 1999 apartment bombings in Russia that sparked the rise of Vladimir Putin to the Russian presidency and the opening of a new Russian war against Chechnya. Moscow’s failure to investigate fully what happened means that suspicions about the authorship of these terrorist acts […]