Tag: no war

‘Russia Stands at the Brink of Catastrophe,’ Russian Anti-War Movement Warns

September 2, 2014

Staunton, August 31 – The organizing committee of the Russian Anti-War Movement says that “Russian stands at the brink of catastrophe.” Following Putin’s introduction of regular Russian army units into Ukraine, an action that threatens losses equivalent to the war in Afghanistan, a major military conflict in Europe, and a fratricidal war. Arguing that Vladimir […]

Neither War Nor Peace? – Putin’s Trotskyite Strategy in Ukraine

August 11, 2014

Staunton, August 10 – Now that the defeat of the Russian insurgents in eastern Ukraine is within sight and Western sanctions are beginning to bite, many commentators are arguing that Vladimir Putin must choose between sending in the Russian army as part of a full-scale invasion or suing for peace and an end of Western […]