LIVE UPDATES: Welcome to our column, Russia Update, where we will be closely following day-to-day developments in Russia, including the Russian government’s foreign and domestic policies. The previous issue is here. Recent Analysis and Translations: – Aurangzeb, Putin, Realism and a Lesson from History – – Why the World Should Care About the Assassination of […]
Tag: Opposition
Russia Update: Liberal Opposition Loses in Kostroma
Welcome to our column, Russia Update, where we will be closely following day-to-day developments in Russia, including the Russian government’s foreign and domestic policies. The previous issue is here. Special features: – ‘I Was on Active Duty’: Interview with Captured GRU Officer Aleksandrov – Meet The Russian Fighters Building A Base Between Mariupol And Donetsk […]
‘Putin is Leading Russia into Chinese Slavery’ – Nemtsov’s Ten Theses on Crimea
Staunton, October 20 – As Andrey Illarionov has wisely put it, the debate among Russian opposition figures concerning what should be done with Crimea is in fact a debate about the future of Russia or, as he puts it, “tell me what you think about Crimea, and I’ll tell you what you think about the […]
Russia This Week: Gorbachev Confirms There Was No NATO ‘Non-Expansion’ Pledge (October 13-19)
Updated Daily. This week’s issue: – Soldiers’ Mothers Activist Arrested, Had Pressed Cases of Russian Soldiers in Killed in Ukraine – Gorbachev Confirms There Was No NATO ‘Non-Expansion’ Pledge – Poland Arrests Russian Lt. Colonel and Lawyer on Suspicion of ‘Espionage’ – Two American Journalism Professors Detained in St. Petersburg at Workshop – Harassment Continues […]
Why Are the Russian People Silent?
The following is a translation by The Interpreter of the last blog post, dated 4 July, of Valeriya Novodvorskaya for Ekho Moskvy. Novodvorskaya, a Soviet-era political prisoner and veteran critic of the Kremlin died 12 July in Moscow of complications from a previous surgery. The Russian opposition leader, frequently the target of state media and […]
Belarus or Northern Kazakhstan Could Be Next Eastern Ukraine, Tishkov Says
Staunton, 1 June – If the leaders of Kazakhstan or Belarus adopt policies like those Ukraine did, there is no guarantee that those two countries might suffer the fate that the eastern regions of Ukraine are now facing, according to Valery Tishkov, director of the Moscow Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology and a former Russian […]
Russia This Week: Opposition Protests Vote Fraud at Civic Chamber (26-30 May)
Updated Daily. A critical review of Glenn Greenwald’s book No Place to Hide by noted Russian intelligence and cybersecurity expert Andrei Soldatov reveals how little is known about Snowden in Russia. Another NGO has lost its court case attempting to challenge the prosecutor’s designation of “foreign agent,” even as the Russian Constitutional Court ruled that […]
Kremlin Transforming Political Opponents into Soviet-Style Dissidents
Staunton, May 27 – In yet another example of Vladimir Putin’s restoration of some of the ugliest features of the Soviet past, his government has “politicized any public criticism and marginalized any who disagree,” thus ensuring that opponents of the Kremlin have no possibility of winning elections and transforming them into Soviet-era-style dissidents. That is […]
Budget Figures Show Putin has Been Preparing for War for Four Years, Nemtsov Says
Staunton, May 12 – A government’s priorities and plans are most clearly shown in its budget, and over the last four years, the budgets Vladimir Putin has proposed and imposed are those of a leader preparing for war rather than someone concerned about the needs of the Russian people, according to Boris Nemtsov. In a […]
For Putin, Ukraine is ‘Personal, Not Just Business,’ Belkovsky Says
Staunton, April 27 – When an individual, a leader or a country takes something personally rather than viewing it as being in the way of business, that makes the situation far more dangerous because the usual options others have for countering actions taken on the basis of hard-headed calculation fall away. Still worse, such shifts […]