One Ukrainian soldier was killed in action and two were wounded.
Putin’s ‘International of Lies’ Based on Money, Not Ideas, Yakovenko Says
Putin and the Evolving Politics of Prepositions about Ukraine 2016-01-04 21:58:36 Staunton, VA, January 4, 2016 — The use of “v” versus the use of “na” as a preposition about being “in Ukraine” has become so politicized that many Russians view the use of the first as indicating that the speaker backs Ukraine against Moscow while others […]
‘Novorossiya’s’ ‘Leftist’ Friends
The frenzied world-wide front is expanding Mercy to no one, no one, no one! Stanza from 1989 Russian anarchists’ song Vintovka – eto prazdnik (The Rifle is a Holiday) By the Russian punk bank Grazhdanskaya Oborona (Civil Defense) The annexation of Crimea, the “Novorossiya” project, and the fight against the “Kyiv junta” are not supported […]
Ukraine Live Day 467: President Poroshenko Confirms Saakashvili as Governor of Odessa Region
Yesterday’s live coverage of the Ukraine conflict can be found here. An archive of our liveblogs can be found here. For an overview and analysis of this developing story see our latest podcast. Please help The Interpreter to continue providing this valuable information service by making a donation towards our costs. For links to individual […]
Russia Update: Falls for Ukrainian Hoax on Murder Victims’ Profiles
Welcome to our column, Russia Update, where we will be closely following day-to-day developments in Russia, including the Russian government’s foreign and domestic policies. The previous issue is here. UPDATES BELOW Russia This Week: – What Happened to the Slow-Moving Coup? – Can We Be Satisfied with the Theory That Kadyrov Killed Nemtsov? – All […]
Russia Update: Lucas Urges Ostracism of; Faces Kiselyev, Trolls Backlash
Welcome to our column, Russia Update, where we will be closely following day-to-day developments in Russia, including the Russian government’s foreign and domestic policies. The previous issue is here, and see also our Russia This Week stories ‘Anti-Maidan’ Launched by Nationalists, Cossacks, Veterans, Bikers and The Guild War – How Should Journalists Treat Russian State […]
Russia Update: Medvedev Approves $35 Billion Rescue Plan for Stricken Economy
Welcome to our column, Russia Update, where we will be closely following day-to-day developments in Russia, including the Russian government’s foreign and domestic policies. The previous issue is here, and see also our Russia This Week stories ‘Anti-Maidan’ Launched by Nationalists, Cossacks, Veterans, Bikers and The Guild War – How Should Journalists Treat Russian State […]
Moscow to Dramatically Increase Spending on ‘Russia Today’
Staunton, September 30 – At a time when Moscow is cutting spending on education and health and in an indication of the importance the Kremlin places on propaganda, the Russian government is going to increase the amount of money it will give to the television channel Russia Today or next year 41 percent over […]
Russia This Week: Kurginyan Brags About Sending Repairman for Buks (14-19 July)
Updated Daily. Ultranationalist Sergei Kurginyan bragged that an electronics specialist was sent to repair a Buk anti-aircraft system for the separatists in Donetsk. The citizen reporter at the lake in Gukovo who filmed Grad rockets launching from Russian territory in Ukraine has had his VKontakte page removed. July 15 marks the fifth anniversary of the […]
RT “Covers” the Shooting Down of MH17
Operating a fake news channel to promote state propaganda comes with considerable intrinsic problems and contradictions. Propaganda and news reporting have contrary purposes that propagandists carefully work to obscure by various means. That’s the art of propaganda: blurring the line between reality and BS, creating false equivalencies between the two, and implicitly arguing that the […]