Tag: Russian disinformation

Russia Update: Moscow Attempts to Revise History of Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia

June 2, 2015

Russia has rewritten the true history of the Soviet-led invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968, claiming falsely that it was triggered by a “NATO coup attempt.” Welcome to our column, Russia Update, where we will be closely following day-to-day developments in Russia, including the Russian government’s foreign and domestic policies. The previous issue is here. UPDATES […]

Moscow’s Top Five Myths, Fakes and Stupidities About Ukraine This Week

June 1, 2015

Staunton, June 1 – As he does each week, Dmitry Bukovsky of Kyiv’s Delovaya Stolitsa surveys Russian propaganda concerning Ukraine and picks out what he identifies as “the top five propagandistic myths, fakes, and stupidities of the Kremlin” for the last seven days. The past week’s list, which highlights some of the rich variety of […]

Ukraine Live Day 467: President Poroshenko Confirms Saakashvili as Governor of Odessa Region

May 30, 2015

Yesterday’s live coverage of the Ukraine conflict can be found here. An archive of our liveblogs can be found here. For an overview and analysis of this developing story see our latest podcast. Please help The Interpreter to continue providing this valuable information service by making a donation towards our costs. For links to individual […]

The Kremlin’s Top 5 ‘Propaganda Myths, Fakes and Stupidities of the Week’

May 25, 2015

Staunton, May 25 — Dmitry Bukovsky of Kyiv’s “Delovaya stolitsa” continues his series, “The Top 5 Propaganda Myths, Fakes and Stupidities of the Kremlin for the Week.” And this week, Russia has really outdone itself with the very top item being a claim that Vladimir Putin was either Prince Vladimir who baptized Kievan Rus or […]

Kremlin’s ‘Top 5’ Misrepresentations about Ukraine This Week

April 27, 2015

Staunton, April 25 – As he does each Sunday, Dmitry Bukovsky of Kyiv’s “Delovaya stolitsa” chooses from among the flood of Russian coverage about Ukraine “the top 5 propagandistic myths, fakes and stupidities” the Kremlin has committed over the course of the previous week (dsnews.ua/politics/top-5-propagandistskih-mifov-feykov-i-glupostey-kremlya-26042015110000). His selection for the past seven days includes the following: […]

Life Among the Thugs: A Russian Businessman Volunteers in the Donbass

April 20, 2015

Last week we reported how volunteer Russian fighters from the Ural Mountains region went to fight in the Donbass alongside the Russian-backed militants in the Prizrak Brigade there, but came back somewhat underwhelmed by the living conditions and lack of combat opportunity. These were the people sent by the Sverdlovsk Fund for Spetsnaz Veterans and […]

Russia This Week: After Putin’s Call-in Show, ‘Where is Reality?’

April 17, 2015

In Russia This Week, you will find links to the stories of Russia Update in the last week and to special features, plus an article following up on the news and trending topics below. Top Stories: –Volunteer Urals Fighters Return Home from ‘Lugansk People’s Republic’ –Residents of Chita Assemble to Protest Governor’s Inaction as Wildfire […]

Five Moscow Lies Suggest What Putin is Likely to Do Next in Ukraine

April 6, 2015

Staunton, April 6 — Lies are not only a moral failing but ultimately a political one as well because they typically are unmasked and the liar held responsible and because, however cleverly designed, they quite often provide an indication directly or indirectly of where the liar plans to move because even those who lie cannot […]

Moscow Has Promoted Ukraine’s ‘Dismemberment’ Since 2004, Kyiv Disinformation Specialist Says

March 16, 2015

Staunton, March 16 — Many who look at Moscow’s propaganda efforts consider only their current state and fail to see the ways in which the Kremlin has cultivated certain ideas over a very long period, laying the groundwork for what it may only expect to be able to achieve in the long term. Such people […]

If Moscow TV Said Putin was a Criminal, Russians Would Soon Agree, Panfilov Says

February 28, 2015

Staunton, February 28 – Government-controlled television is such a dominant player in Russian life that if the TV didn’t show Putin for two weeks and in the third said he is a criminal who had unleashed war, the Russian people would say “yes, we are against Putin,” according to Oleg Panfilov, a specialist in information […]