If the finger can be pointed at Russia for its role in and propaganda lies about the tragic disturbances and fire in Odesa on May 2, 2014, it is solely the Ukrainian authorities who must answer for Ukraine’s shameful failure to carry out a proper investigation.
Tag: Russian propaganda
‘The Dirty Deeds of the Pentagon in Syria’: An Example of Russian Propaganda
An article appeared in the Russian Federal News Service (FAN) titled “The Dirty Deeds of the Pentagon in Syria: How the USA’s Friendship with IS Turned into an Explosion in New York” claiming the New Jersey and New York bombings earlier this month were “payback” for the US mistaken bombing of the Syrian military. An examination of the times of both events prove they are unrelated.
Putin Propaganda Based on Rejection of Possibility of Rational Thought, Shekhtman Says
Putin Propaganda Based on Rejection of Possibility of Rational Thought, Shekhtman Says 2016-07-19 16:23:44 Staunton, VA, July 19, 2016 – Vladimir Putin’s propaganda is intended to destroy “all the rules of rational thought” just as those who support pseudo-science do, Pavel Shekhtman argues at the Kasparov portal; but it does so in exactly the opposite way than […]
The Russian Mission In Syria Is Far From Done
Russia and Assad fight to take Syria’s largest natural gas fields; tensions mount between Syrian rebels and Kurdish forces.
Putin’s ‘International of Lies’ Based on Money, Not Ideas, Yakovenko Says
Putin and the Evolving Politics of Prepositions about Ukraine 2016-01-04 21:58:36 Staunton, VA, January 4, 2016 — The use of “v” versus the use of “na” as a preposition about being “in Ukraine” has become so politicized that many Russians view the use of the first as indicating that the speaker backs Ukraine against Moscow while others […]
Two Outrageous Russian Charges Point to New Dangers Ahead for Ukraine
Staunton, December 16 – Two new and completely outrageous Russian charges – that the Crimean Tatars are under the control of Turkish intelligence and that the Ukrainian Library in Moscow was involved in the preparation of terrorist actions in the Russian capital – point to a new round of increased dangers for Ukraine. Since the […]
Interpreter Podcast: Internet Trolls, Russian Propaganda, And One Crazy GOP Presidential Race
This week, Interpreter’s managing editor James Miller and Boston College professor Matt Sienkiewicz are joined by The Interpreter’s Pierre Vaux to discuss internet trolls and Russian propaganda. In particular, we discuss Kremlin-run “troll farms” which attempt to influence, and ultimately distort, the narrative surrounding world events. Click here to hear our previous podcasts. You now […]
Putin In Syria: Despite Russia’s Claims, Their Airstrikes Are Hitting Hospitals
Russia claims not only are they not bombing hospitals in Syria, but that the hospitals they are accused of bombing simply do not exist. The previous post in our Putin in Syria column can be found here. Despite Russia’s Claims, Their Airstrikes Are Hitting Hospitals 2015-11-02 18:39:48 Since the start of Russia’s airstrikes in Syria […]
Putin Should Be Worried about Both Reports on Malaysian Plane Downing
Staunton, October 15 – The Dutch report on the shooting down of the Malaysian jetliner last year released this week has attracted enormous attention but the report the International Investigative Group promises to release by early next year of the basis of the Dutch study may deserve even more. Together, they should give Vladimir Putin […]
Despite Pro-Russian Attitudes Now, Crimea is Not Lost to Ukraine
Staunton, August 19 – An increasingly common theme in many commentaries about Crimea and the Donbass is that Ukrainians should not want them back. Pro-Russian attitudes in the those regions would, if they were again included within the borders of the Ukrainian state, make them a classic “fifth column.” But that is “yet another lie […]