Tag: Russian world

Russia Faces Five Socio-Cultural Crises Simultaneously, Ikhlov Says

July 5, 2014

Staunton, July 5 – Russia currently is confronted by five socio-cultural crises at one and the same time, and any effort to solve them quickly by force will lead to the disintegration of society and the state, much as such efforts have done elsewhere, according to Moscow commentator Yevgeny Ikhlov. Indeed, he suggests in an […]

Putin Admits to Aggression in Ukraine but Leaves Loopholes for More

June 27, 2014

Staunton, June 26 – Even as Vladimir Putin is being praised by some for having the Russian parliament rescind its authorization for the use of force in Ukraine, the Kremlin leader has admitted that he has done just that, left himself a variety of loopholes to do more, and promised to continue to “defend” ethnic […]

Putin’s Goals Make Diplomatic Solution in Ukraine Impossible, Illarionov Says

June 24, 2014

Staunton, June 23 – Vladimir Putin has no intention of ending his aggression in Ukraine, a series of actions intended to subordinate that country to the Kremlin or end its existence as an independent state, according to Andrey Illarionov. As a result, no diplomatic solution is possible, and other countries are likely to be drawn […]

Kremlin’s Spending on Crimea Exacerbating Tensions Between Moscow and Russian Regions

June 19, 2014

Staunton, June 18 – The money the Kremlin is spending on Crimea and Ukraine more generally is exacerbating tensions between Moscow and hard-pressed regions, worsening the divide between well-off cities and their hinterlands, and leading some Russian nationalists to demand fiscal federalism as a first step toward creation of ethnic Russian republics. Three very different […]

Putin Won’t Make Any Further Concessions on Ukraine, Two Moscow Experts Say

June 10, 2014

Staunton, June 10 – Over the last several days, many in the West have professed to see Moscow pulling back from its subversive aggression against Ukraine and expressed confidence that the crisis Vladimir Putin’s actions there have caused is approaching an end that both Russia and the West will be able to live with, however […]

Kremlin’s Policies Cutting Size of Russian World Not Expanding It, Latynina Says

June 7, 2014

Staunton, June 6 – Despite its claims to the contrary, the Kremlin is rapidly reducing the size of the “Russian world” rather than increasing it because it is alienating its neighbors by the use of force rather than attracting them by the strength of its economy and of its universities, according to Yuliya Latynina. In […]

Moscow Patriarchate Not Marching in Lockstep with Kremlin on Ukraine, Lunkin Says

June 2, 2014

Staunton, 1 June – The Moscow Patriarchate is no longer in lockstep with the Kremlin on Ukraine, the result of the reactions of other Christian groups in Ukraine, its own corporate interests, and pressure from its own congregations who have a different view of the future than do many in the hierarchy, according to Roman […]

Russia’s Wins and Losses in Ukrainian Crisis Up to Now Compared

May 29, 2014

Staunton, May 28 – In what he describes as an act of “political bookkeeping,” Andrey Lipsky, the deputy chief editor of Novaya Gazeta describes what Russia has gained and what it has lost so far as a result of the Ukrainian crisis, thus providing a useful checklist of the balance now and its likely direction […]

Has Putin Really Lost ‘the Shortest Cold War in History’?

May 27, 2014

Staunton, May 26 – Vladimir Putin “has lost the shortest cold war in history,” Yevgeny Ikhlov says. After having seized Crimea for Russia 12 weeks ago and effectively challenged the West to a contest, the Kremlin leader has backed away from his larger plan to counterpose a “Russian world” to everyone else. In a commentary […]