The Neo-Eurasianist perspective on Ukraine was formed already in the 1990s, when Russian fascist Alexander Dugin argued, in his Foundations of Geopolitics, that Ukraine was “an unnatural state” consisting of four major regions with allegedly different geopolitical loyalties, and that a sovereign and united Ukraine constituted a major threat to the geopolitical security of Russia […]
Tag: Russkiy mir
Putin’s ‘Russian World’ Death Knell for Civic Russian Identity, Tatarstan Editor Says
Staunton, September 26 – Rashit Akhmetov, the editor of the Kazan weekly Zvezda Povolzhya, says that Vladimir Putin’s promotion of the idea of a “Russian world” is the death knell for a civic Russian identity and that this, combined with his authoritarian and great power chauvinist approach, is exacerbating ethnic identities of Russians and non-Russians […]
Russia This Week: 26,000 Protest War in Ukraine at Moscow Peace March (September 15-21)
Updated Daily. This week’s issue: – Further Peace March Arrests: 7 in St. Petersburg; 2 in Yekaterinburg; 2 in Barnaul – Peace March of 26,000 in Moscow Finishes Without Incident; A Few Arrests Reported – At Least 10,000 in Peace March in Moscow – AP – 5,000 March in St. Petersburg Despite Ban – ‘If […]
Moscow Laying Groundwork for Ukrainian Scenario in the Baltic States
Staunton, September 16 – The Russian government is laying the groundwork for a Ukrainian scenario in the Baltic countries, arguing that the three are mistreating ethnic Russians, that the West has failed to oppose such actions, and that Moscow is compelled under the circumstances to work to protect these members of “the Russian world.” Konstantin […]
Belarus Has a Name and It Isn’t Belorussia, Russian Court Told
Staunton, August 31 – A man from the Belarusian city of Bobruisk has filed suit in a Moscow court against three Russian news agencies seeking compensation for their use of the word ‘Belorussiya’ instead of ‘Belarus’ as the name of his country, something he says has damaged his honor and dignity. “I am a citizen […]