This editorial ran in Vedomosti, a Russian business news agency started by the Dow Jones, the Financial Times, and the owners of the Moscow Times. — Ed. The upcoming Olympics in Sochi creates new opportunities for the struggle for political influence and financial flows in the North Caucasus. In addition to the usual news about […]
Tag: Said Amirov
Arrested Ex-Mayor May be Involved in Murder of Well-Known Dagestan Athlete
Investigators do not rule out that Musail Alaudinov could have been killed as a potential witness. In Dagestan there have been new developments in the murder case of Mr. Mussail Alaudinov, a 38-year old well-known athlete and the director of the “Gorets”, a well-known martial arts club. He was murdered on July 9 outside Makhachkala, […]
Amirov’s Attorneys Ask President to Save Him From Death in Prison
[In this article, the pro-Kremlin newspaper Izvestia reports on the status of Said Amirov, the ex-mayor of Makhachkala who has been incarcerated on charges of complicity in murder. Amirov’s lawyers have complained that he is being denied necessary medical treatment—Ed.] Defense attorneys acting for Said Amirov— the ex-Mayor of Makhachkala who was charged as an […]
Amirov’s Lawyers Prepare Torture Complaint for ECHR
The arrest of Makhachkala’s ex-mayor Said Amirov has led to some unexpected consequences. Attorneys for the former mayor, who has been accused under several articles of the Criminal Code, are preparing to appeal to the European Court on Human Rights (ECHR) in which they are complaining about the actions of Russian siloviki [power ministry agents-Ed]. […]
United Russia is Planning a Purge of its Ranks
[On June 11, the All-Russia People’s Front is set to host its inaugural party congress, at which Vladimir Putin is expected to be in attendance. Rumors are circulating in the Russian press that the Front will replace United Russia, a party put together a decade ago as a vehicle for Putin’s Kremlin ascendancy, as the […]
Moscow Overhauls Governance Model for the Caucasus
[In this article, Yulia Latynina argues that arrest last week of the powerful Mayor of Makhachkala, Said Amirov, has signaled the FSB’s assertion of direct control in the republic of Dagestan. Latynina speculates that this is partly motivated by the desire to stem the growing power of salafists in the region.—Ed.] In a Hollywood movie-type, […]
Is Moscow Cleaning up Dagestan?
[Russia’s security services have shocked the public by arresting Said Amirov, the Mayor of Makhachkala in the Republic of Dagestan, alleging his involvement in conspiracy to murder and involvement in the narcotics trade, among other serious crimes. Amirov has dominated Dagestani politics for fifteen years, and his arrest has raised questions of whether the state […]