Tag: Semyon Gluzman

After Putin, Russians Will Say They Were Deceived Just As Germans Did After Hitler

March 24, 2015

Staunton, March 23 — Not all, but “the overwhelming majority of Germans sincerely believed” what Hitler said, just as not all but the overwhelming majority of Russians sincerely believe what Vladimir Putin says, according to Semyon Gluzman. But when the Kremlin leader falls, most Russians will say as the Germans did in 1945: “’We didn’t […]

Putin isn’t Mad, He’s Evil and Thus Responsible for His Crimes, Guzman Says

October 2, 2014

Staunton, October 1 – A dangerous but entirely predictable trend is occurring in both Russia and the West: Many who see what Vladimir Putin is doing in Ukraine as a crime are saying he is mad or insane, an approach that simultaneously makes him less responsible for what he has done and leaves others less […]