Tag: separatism

Karelians Seek International Recognition of Russia’s Occupation of Their Republic

May 15, 2014

Staunton, May 14 – In another case of blow-back from Moscow’s actions in Ukraine, activists in Karelia are seeking international recognition of the occupation of their republic and the holding of a referendum on independence, a step they say will end the genocide the Russian authorities have inflicted on the region and restore historical justice. […]

Moscow Scholars Question Pew Poll Findings on Russian Tolerance of Separatism

May 12, 2014

Staunton, May 10 – The Pew Research Center this week released the results of a poll it conducted in the Russian Federation concerning Russian attitudes toward the independence of any region or republic in that country. It found that 48 percent said they would support such actions if they reflected the popular will and that […]

Putin as a Fascist Leader Bears Total Responsibility for Crisis in Ukraine, Commentator Says

May 4, 2014

Staunton, May 4 – Had Vladimir Putin accepted the Maidan’s ouster of discredited Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych and agreed to accept the results of the upcoming elections, nothing that has occurred in Ukraine since that time would have happened, according to a Ukrainian commentator. “Thousands of people would not have suddenly discovered in themselves an […]

Language and Culture Not History ‘Main Unifying Factors’ for Russians, Valdai Club Says

April 24, 2014

Staunton, April 24 – The Russian language and Russian culture are today “the main unifying factor[s]” for the citizens of the Russian Federation, unlike history which continues to be a source of divisions given that different groups have different understandings of past events, according to the Valdai International Discussion Club. The Moscow Higher School of […]

Putin Says Cultural Unity, Not Passport Nationality, is What Matters

Staunton, April 24 – In a comment that many non-Russians in the Russian Federation are certain to see as a threat to the existence of their groups and some Russians may view as a danger to Russian-ness as well, Vladimir Putin said yesterday that “it is not so important what is written in the ‘nationality’ […]

Does Putin Plan to Test NATO in Latvia?

April 22, 2014

Staunton, April 21 – Latvia may be as prepared as any small country next to a very large one to defend itself against a military invasion. It has a modernized military, albeit one trained for peacekeeping rather than national defense, and it is a member of NATO, on whose Article Five Latvians rely. At least, […]

Five Inconvenient Questions Putin Wasn’t Asked

Staunton, April 21 – There is perhaps no better way to call attention to the way in which Vladimir Putin insists on one standard for his own country and a very different one for Ukraine and others than to imagine the position the Kremlin leader might have found himself in had he been asked what […]

The Karaims – Another Forgotten People of Crimea Now at Risk

April 15, 2014

Staunton, April 15 – Russia’s annexation of Crimea has attracted international attention to the tragic fate of the Crimean Tatars whose homeland it is, but in addition to that nation and to ethnic Russians and Ukrainians, Crimea is home to many other ethnic groups and their fates should be of concern as well, especially given […]

Ethnic Russians in Estonia Protest Moscow’s Promotion of Separatism

Staunton, April 15 – Moscow’s promotion of unrest and separatism in Estonia has prompted a group of ethnic Russians and other non-titular nations to start a petition drive in support of Estonia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and condemning such outside interference in Estonia’s domestic affairs. Despite its membership in the European Union and NATO and […]