Tag: social media

Ekho Moskvy Sets New, Restrictive Guidelines For Journalists

December 23, 2014

Russia’s well-regarded Ekho Moskvy radio station, which has long attempted to maintain political independence despite the increasingly hypoxic climate for dissenting media and pressure from shareholders (the station is owned by Gazprom-Media), has today, facing an acute crisis since last month when the station received a warning from Roskomnadzor (the Russian media regulator) and an intervention […]

Russia This Week: Military Parade on Red Square Re-enacts November 7, 1941 (November 1-7, 2014)

November 7, 2014

Updated Daily. – This Week’s Issue: – Ekho Moskvy Journalist Fired for Tweet about Death of Kremlin Administration Chief’s Son, Broadcast on Donetsk Airport – Russian Reserves Down 20 Percent As Ruble Tumbles – US Prosecutors Open Money-Laundering Investigation of Putin Associate Gennady Timchenko – Suspects in Murder of Moscow Region Policemen May Have Fought […]

Russia This Week: Low Turnout in Moscow Municipal Election, Opposition Loses to Ruling Party (September 8-14)

September 14, 2014

Updated Daily. This week’s issue: – TV Rain’s Chief Producer Assaulted in Moscow – In Moscow City Legislature Race, United Russia Leads with Close Vote Between Independent and Nationalist – Low Turnout in Moscow Municipal Elections, Difficulties for Opposition Candidates – Gay Tango Instructor Found Murdered in St. Petersburg – Leading Russian Human Rights Group […]

Russia This Week: Leonid Martynyuk, Opposition Author and Video Producer, Arrested in Krasnodar (18-24 August)

August 24, 2014

Updated Daily. Chechen Leader Ramzan Kadyrov joined the “Night Wolves,” a bikers’ gang that Putin has favored. Russian press and social media mined the popular social media network VKontakte for information on Russian paratroopers said to be killed or captured in Lugansk Region in Ukraine; oddly, some pictures were removed of armored vehicles and a […]

Putin Police Block Siberian March But Spread Siberian Message

August 19, 2014

Staunton, August 18 – Yesterday, Russian police blocked the march in Novosibirsk calling for Moscow to live up to the constitution and observe the rights of the country’s federal subjects, but the Putin regime failed to block the message of the Siberian federalists from getting out. Not only did the actions of the police underscore […]

Russia This Week: Kurginyan Brags About Sending Repairman for Buks (14-19 July)

July 21, 2014

Updated Daily. Ultranationalist Sergei Kurginyan bragged that an electronics specialist was sent to repair a Buk anti-aircraft system for the separatists in Donetsk. The citizen reporter at the lake in Gukovo who filmed Grad rockets launching from Russian territory in Ukraine has had his VKontakte page removed. July 15 marks the fifth anniversary of the […]

Russia This Week: Dugin Dismissed from Moscow State University? (23-29 June)

June 27, 2014

Updated Daily. The Russian finance minister has admitted that the government has raided the pension savings of ordinary Russians to pay for the forcible annexation of the Crimea — and will not be returning the funds. Opposition blogger Alexey Navalny continues to be harassed with libel suits and fabricated criminal cases — as well as […]

Russia This Week: Navalny Charged with Theft of Street Artist Sketch (16-22 June)

June 22, 2014

Updated Daily. Yet another provocation against State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki, this one involving an outright fabrication of quotes. Will the Russian government end up blocking Twitter or will the American social media company’s executives manage to make a workable deal? The killing of two Russian state TV journalists has sparked a debate about reporters’ […]

Media Wars: The Fight to Define a Revolution in Ukraine – Interpreter Podcast

February 27, 2014

How did the media cover Ukraine? What was the role of social media? How is the Ukrainian media changing as this revolution unfolds? How is the Russian media responding? Is the country really on the brink of an east-west civil war, will Russia invade, and what’s the role of the media in what happens next? […]

How the Moscow Mayoral Candidates are Winning the Internet

August 30, 2013

Elections for mayor of Moscow will take place on 8 September. The current campaign is the first one where in the struggle for votes, the candidates have turned to promoting their personas on the Internet along with the traditional methods (advertising in the media and offline campaigning). Lenta.ru has studied the official and unofficial sites […]