Tag: Transdnistria

Putin’s Peacemaking in Ukraine is Continuation of His War by Other Means, Portnikov Suggests

October 6, 2015

Staunton, October 4 Clausewicz famously observed that “war is the continuation of politics by other means;” but in the case of Ukraine, Vladimir Putin has inverted that definition and is seeking to make peacemaking into another means for continuing the policies behind his war there, according to Ukrainian commentator Vitaly Portnikov. The chief results of […]

A Transdnistria-2 in the Donbass Wouldn’t Be a Russian Victory, Mamontov Says

February 18, 2015

Staunton, February 18 – Vladimir Mamontov, head of the Moscow Speaks radio station, says that the creation of a Transdnistria-like entity in eastern Ukraine “should not be considered a victory” for Russia, a statement that has at least three possible meanings, none of which should be ignored. First of all, Mamontov’s words could be what […]