Two Ukrainian soldiers were killed yesterday and 14 wounded.
Bloodshed In Donetsk Continues Into Fifth Day
February 2, 2017
Two Ukrainian soldiers were killed yesterday and 14 wounded.
The Ukrainian military reports no casualties.
The Ukrainian military claims that Russia-backed forces conducted 37 attacks yesterday.
Did Nadiya Savchenko really say Ukraine should trade Crimea for the Donbass?
The suit regards numerous violations of the UN conventions on terror and racial discrimination.
The US Vice President said that Ukraine must work to defeat the “cancer of corruption.”
The Ukrainian military reports 46 attacks yesterday.
The Ukrainian military reports that Russia-backed fighters conducted 51 attacks yesterday.
The presence of Russian military drones in eastern Ukraine is clear proof of Russia’s direct involvement in the war.
Russia-backed forces reportedly used heavy 152 mm artillery for the first time yes year.