Tag: United Nations

Russia Calls for an Olympic Ceasefire

October 4, 2013

In September Russia supported a UN initiative “promoting human rights through sport and the Olympic ideal.” The measure granted no new rights, but was simply pledging to initiative a “review” of current policies. Below, Russia’s ambassador to the United Nations praises the efforts, but the initiative was received with skepticism immediately upon its release. Human […]

Obama Does Not Believe in a Military Solution to the Syrian Conflict

September 26, 2013

U.S. President Barack Obama made a speech to the United Nations on Tuesday. He addressed many issues, but there were two key areas, the crisis in Syria and Iran’s nuclear program, that were his focus. On Syria, Obama said that Assad must be held accountable for using chemical weapons on August 21st, an event with […]

Syria – Another Brick in the Wall of Russia’s Isolation

August 27, 2013

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is often put into the position of defending the Assad regime against UN Security Council actions, and the accusations of the international community. Russia has attempted to place itself between the wrath of the United States and its key allies and the Assad regime by claiming that it is only working […]