Staunton, February 28 – Government-controlled television is such a dominant player in Russian life that if the TV didn’t show Putin for two weeks and in the third said he is a criminal who had unleashed war, the Russian people would say “yes, we are against Putin,” according to Oleg Panfilov, a specialist in information […]
Tag: Vladislav Surkov
‘Managed Spring’: How Moscow Parted Easily with the ‘Novorossiya’ Leaders
Novaya Gazeta’s correspondent Pavel Kanygin, among the best chroniclers of the Russian-backed separatist leaders in the Donbass, published a good round up on December 8 on the fate of the Russian-backed separatists, titled “Managed Spring,” in a reference to the concept of the “managed democracy” of President Vladimir Putin. He covers Colonel Igor Strelkov (Girkin), […]
Ukraine Live Day 294: Fighting Continues On Eve Of ‘Day Of Silence’
Yesterday’s live coverage of the Ukraine conflict can be found here. An archive of our liveblogs can be found here. For an overview and analysis of this developing story see our latest podcast. Please help The Interpreter to continue providing this valuable information service by making a donation towards our costs. View Ukraine: April, 2014 […]
Putin Has Made the Unthinkable Almost Unnoticed, Podrabinek Says
Staunton, November 24 – One of the most dangerous developments for which Vladimir Putin is responsible is that the lies he and his regime regularly employ, and the actions they take, have changed what would be unthinkable under normal conditions into a new normal, things which people would earlier have focused on into things which […]
Behind the Scenes in the Kremlin: Toward a Dictatorship or a ‘Shadow Government’?
Staunton, VA – November 17, 2014 Some Moscow commentators say that sanctions and the worsening condition of the Russian economy is creating a Hobbesian world within the Russian elites around Putin, with some arguing the Kremlin leader must move toward an open dictatorship and others suggesting “a shadow government” is already taking shape. Obviously, such […]
Despite Russian Complaints, Buryat Woman Given Consolation Prize in St. Petersburg Beauty Contest
Staunton, November 7 – Russians who voted online for the title “Mrs. St. Petersburg” complained that one of the 25 competitors was a Buryat and charged her with Russophobia, a accusation Viktoriya Maladayeva denied. Organizers said this was the first such situation in the five years of the competition and awarded her the consolation title […]
Kremlin ‘Grey Cardinal’ Surkov’s Deal for a ‘Donetsk Transdniestria’?
Boris Rozhin, editor of Golos Sevastopolya and a popular blogger under the name “Colonel Cassad,” published a LiveJournal entry 7 July speculating on the origins of the campaign that has begun to discredit Col. Igor Strelkov, self-declared commander in chief of the “Donetsk People’s Republic.” He traces it to an attempt to orchestrate a scenario […]
Russia This Week: News and Social Media Coverage of Tragic Deaths in Odessa (28 April-4 May)
Updated Daily. The tragic deaths of 46 people in clashes in Odessa and the fire at the Trade Unions Building have received wide coverage in the Russian media and blogosphere, but from diametrically opposed perspectives, depending on the degree of independence from the state and degree of sympathy with the EuroMaidan movement versus the Kremlin-backed […]
‘Putin is a Fascist’ Heading Toward War, Feltshtinsky Says
Staunton, May 3 – Only those who are in complete denial can fail to see that Vladimir Putin is a fascist, émigré Russian historian Yuri Felshtinsky says, given that “this analogy is so evident” in the wake of the Crimean Anschluss and the Kremlin leader’s own words and promotion of openly fascist figures like Dmitry […]
Surkov Behind Publishers of ‘National Traitors’ Lists, Shiryaev Says
Staunton, April 20 – Vladislav Surkov, who has served as a behind-the-scenes ideologist and operator for the Kremlin, has been involved in the funding of a Russian website that has done everything it can to boost Vladimir Putin and that now is producing lists of “national traitors,” according to Valery Shiryayev of Novaya Gazeta. That […]